We are excited to announce our plans to gather once again at the Olive Branch Middle School Auditorium on Sunday, June 7th at 10 am! In order to make sure we are able to do so safely, we are implementing a number of precautionary measures to ensure the safety of all who attend.

Cleaning Procedures:

  • All high touch surfaces will be cleaned with disinfectant products prior to the service on Sunday mornings. This will include all interior and exterior door handles, entry tables, and bathrooms.

  • Hand sanitizer will be available for your use upon entry and exit at tables next to the primary entry at the back of the auditorium as well as the side entry by the stage that leads to the side parking lot.

Social Distancing Protocols:

  • Entrances: We encourage you to make use of two primary entry ways in order to limit direct contact with others: the primary entrance at the front of the auditorium and the side parking lot entrance close to the stage.

    - Once you enter the building, please proceed directly to the auditorium and find seating. 

  • Fellowship: We know that you have missed each other and want to fellowship, so we encourage you to do so while outside the building while maintaining safe distance. Please refrain from congregating at any entry way in order to prevent any bottlenecking.

  • Physical Contact: Please refrain from shaking hands, hugging, or engaging in other physical contact.

  • Seating: Accessible seating will be staggered throughout the auditorium to ensure six feet of space between family groups. Certain rows/sections will be marked off by rope as an indicator.

  • Communion: While we will have a time of response that includes the Lord’s Supper, we will not have the traditional set up. Instead, pre-packaged communion (individual wafer and juice) will be available for you to pick up at the entry tables beside each entrance. As long as you are comfortable, we encourage you to pick these up on your way to your seats before the service begins.

  • Giving: We will not pass the plate for offering, but offering boxes will be available at the entry tables along with tither envelopes.

  • Dismissal: When the service is over, we will dismiss by rows and leave the building promptly. Front rows will be expected to exit through the side door by the stage, while rows toward the back will be expected to utilize the primary entry/exit at the front of the building.

Further Precautionary Measures:

  • Childcare: We will not be offering nursery or childcare when we initially begin gathering again. We know this may prove challenging and chaotic at points, but we want to be careful as we begin meeting together again.

  • Services: We’re taking the steps to ensure that services will be around 45 minutes (shorter than our typical service times), and we encourage you to bring activities and snacks for your younger children who aren’t used to sitting through the service. Know that there’s grace in the midst of this season - you won’t be the only family whose children aren’t perfectly quiet, and no one will be giving you ugly looks or judging your parenting! We’ll proceed through this season joyfully and patiently together.

  • Face Masks: While we aren’t requiring it, we encourage you to wear a mask, and we’ll provide new masks on the entry tables if you need one. 

Please know that if you do not feel comfortable or safe gathering together, you will not be looked down upon. This is a matter of personal conscience, and we understand that varies within the body of Christ. We will still strive to love and serve you in this season to the best of our abilities.

We will continue to consult with the latest CDC guidelines and medical professionals as we seek to maintain a safe environment for our corporate gatherings. This will certainly be another unique season, but we look forward to being able to worship together in person! As always, if you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the pastors.